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You Are Your Own Certainty

I am frequently approached by individuals who feel the pressure of life building up on them. During the holidays, this pressure is often exacerbated. I'll often hear how difficult life is, how the constant struggle and worry seeps in and takes over all aspects of life.

"I can't keep doing this. My life isn't supposed to be this constant struggle. All I do is worry about how I'm going to keep going and who is going to take care of my family if I am not able to, when I am not working. Everyone around me is self-serving and I feel like I have no support. All I see is a universal lack of empathy and a world where everyone is wanting to "do" only for themselves. I don't know what to do anymore."

Carrying such a burden 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is not easy when you are surrounded by elements that reinforce this feeling on a daily basis. Allowing oneself to be consumed by what is lacking only reinforces this burden as well. When this happens, we forget ourselves. And, consequently, we forget to be thankful to ourselves for the strengths that we have forgotten to access. Amidst all of this despair, despite all of the cyclical pain experienced, despite the heavy load carried day in and day out-realize this crucial point: you are your own certainty.

While the elements in your life might not be progressing smoothly, it is important to remember that you are still working on it. The thoughts of not being able to provide for one's family, feeling alone, unsupported, unheard, unvalidated are certainly a scary and painful thoughts; however, working through this, living despite this is reflective of the fact that ultimately, you know you will do what you can to live, and survive.

Now, let yourself thrive.

The holidays are a time for us to rejoice and come together. But for many who suffer from anxiety, depression, and the like, this season can be most trying. The mind, already prone to thinking about the way life should be, tends to reinforce even more, what is lacking. Which brings up a very important point---individuals often have the tendency to focus on what is missing more than cherishing what they have---be it tangible or intangible.

No matter what happens,

the one person you have control over,

is yourself.

If empathy, understanding, support, warmth and love are elements you feel are missing, then give them to yourself and give them to others. Give to yourself and spread within yourself what you feel is lacking and share the same when you feel able. Ultimately, you are your own support, your are your own savior, you are your own hero.

This holiday season, reinforce and gift yourself with tools and techniques to reinforce and cherish your strengths and all that makes you, you:

  • Take the time to create a Self-Care Plan (developing routines, injecting positive habits that will reinforce your physical and emotional well-being).

  • Learn and develop a meditation practice for yourself.

  • Take mini breath-breaks throughout the day (this need not be longer than 1 minute--breath deeply, set aside all thoughts for a 1 minute period, and then move on).

  • Practice a relaxing form of physical activity (i.e. yoga (more relaxation/prana based), go for a walk).

  • Read a book you want to read (even if it's a couple pages at a time).

  • Begin journaling.

  • Compliment yourself at least once a day

  • Be empathic with yourself.

  • Give yourself permission to smile.

  • Be thankful for at least one element/aspect of your day.

No matter what stressors you face this holiday season, remember, always, that you have the power within you to create a beautiful day, moment by moment.

~Everyday Actions for Everyday Evolution~

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