You Are Your Own Certainty
I am frequently approached by individuals who feel the pressure of life building up on them. During the holidays, this pressure is often...

“I love you here, I love you there, I love you everywhere.” Coping with Separation Anxiety in Your C
Separation anxiety in children has been defined as distress that occurs during the separation between a child and his/her parent(s). A...

The Folly of Being the 'Fall-Back Friend'
Inevitably, it will happen. People will come and go. There is a neverending cycle of change amongst us. Somewhere in the cycle of "in...

Beginning Your Meditation Practice
The Benefits of Meditation Studies on mediation are vast, but to put it simply, relaxation is certainly a result, if not the goal. In the...

Managing Your Pain
Pain is an attention thief. Whether you suffer from emotional or physical pain, it has the ability to take over your thoughts and your...

The Pebble Meditation
The Pebble Meditation As we transition from Summer to Fall we will not only be expecting the inevitable change of weather, but also a...